Glass Facade Curtain Wall

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Building Integrated Photovoltaic Glass Curtain Wall Energy Saving Emission Reduction

Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV Building Integrated PV, PV or Photovoltaic) is a technology that integrates solar power (photovoltaic) products into buildings. Building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) is different from the form of photovoltaic system attached to the building (BAPV: Building Attached PV). Building integration of photovoltaics can be divided into two categories: one is the combination of photovoltaic arrays and buildings. Another type is the integration of photovoltaic arrays and buildings. Such as photovoltaic tile roofs, photovoltaic curtain walls and photovoltaic lighting roofs. In these two ways, the combination of photovoltaic array and building is a common form, especially the combination with building roof.

Photoelectric curtain wall, that is, pasted on glass, inlaid between two pieces of glass, can convert light energy into electricity through batteries. This is — solar photovoltaic curtain wall. It uses photovoltaic cells and photovoltaic panel technology to convert sunlight into electrical energy, and its key technology is solar photovoltaic cell technology. Solar photovoltaic cells use the photon energy of sunlight to move the electrons of the irradiated electrolyte or semiconductor material to generate a voltage, which is called the photoelectric effect.


Photovoltaic building integration is a new concept of applying solar power generation. Simply speaking, it is to install the solar photovoltaic power generation array on the outer surface of the building envelope to provide electricity. According to the different ways of combining photovoltaic arrays and buildings, building integration of photovoltaics can be divided into two categories: one is the combination of photovoltaic arrays and buildings. Another type is the integration of photovoltaic arrays and buildings. Such as photovoltaic tile roofs, photovoltaic curtain walls and photovoltaic lighting roofs. In these two ways, the combination of photovoltaic array and building is a common form, especially the combination with building roof. Since the combination of photovoltaic arrays and buildings does not occupy additional ground space, it is the best installation method for photovoltaic power generation systems widely used in cities, so it has attracted much attention. The integration of photovoltaic arrays and buildings is an advanced form of BIPV, which has higher requirements for photovoltaic modules. Photovoltaic modules must not only meet the functional requirements of photovoltaic power generation, but also take into account the basic functional requirements of buildings.



  1. Can meet the requirements of architectural aesthetics;
  2. It can meet the lighting requirements of the building;
  3. It can meet the safety performance requirements of the building;
  4. It can meet the requirements of convenient installation;
  5. Can have the advantage of long life;
  6. It has the effect of green environmental protection;
  7. No need to occupy valuable land resources;
  8. Can effectively reduce building energy consumption and achieve building energy conservation;
  9. Reduce the temperature rise of walls and roofs.



  1. Green energy. The solar photovoltaic building integration produces green energy, which is the application of solar power generation, and will not pollute the environment. Solar energy is the cleanest and free, and there are no ecological side effects in the development and utilization process. It is also a kind of renewable energy, which is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.
  2. Does not occupy land. Photovoltaic arrays are generally installed on idle roofs or external walls without additional land occupation, which is especially important for urban buildings with expensive land; summer is the peak electricity season, and it happens to be the period when the amount of sunlight is the largest and the photovoltaic system generates the most power. , which can play a role in peak regulation of the power grid.
  3. The solar photovoltaic building integration technology adopts grid-connected photovoltaic system, which does not need to be equipped with batteries, which saves investment and is not limited by the state of charge of the battery, and can make full use of the electricity generated by the photovoltaic system.
  4. Play the role of building energy saving. The photovoltaic array absorbs solar energy and converts it into electric energy, which greatly reduces the overall outdoor temperature, reduces the heat gain of the wall and the cooling load of the indoor air conditioner, so it can also play a role in building energy conservation. Therefore, the development of solar photovoltaic building integration can “energy saving and emission reduction”.
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